This is my journey...
From Oil Refinery Worker. To a Solar Business Owner
Chapter 1: 

The Awakening yada yada

Back in 2009, I was a lab tester in a refinery in small refinery in southern Illinois, and I was 28 years old. One Friday evening after donning my PPE, checking my email, logging into computers, I walked over to the line of crude oil samples to waiting for me to analyze. I had been updated about an incoming new product arriving, but had forgotten about this, so the initial inspection of the new crude oil was a bit of a shocker. This crude oil was thick, like cold fudge, thick. Crude oil typically has the consistency of chocolate milk, so, you can imagine me being puzzled. I followed the analysis procedures and started the testing. Once the samples were running in the machines, I went back to the computer to do some research on this new product from Alberta, Canada.

I found that this oil is called the Tar Sands of Alberta. After several weeks of researching, I found that the extraction process starts with the cutting down the virgin boreal forest, removing of all the top soil, and exposing the deep layer of tar. The discovery of the tar lead to a massive investment into the area and the Canadian government enforced the transplanting of Native Indians from their homeland. Unfortunately this excavation process introduces potential threats of having hazardous chemicals and heavy metal contamination in the surrounding waterways.

Listen, I was a country boy growing up. I wasn’t raised an environmentalist, but I spending almost my entire childhood out in the woods rather in front of TV and playing video games for hours on end. This created space in me to become a lover and respecter of nature, and a rock hound. So it’s not surprising that something about this process just struck me as being wrong. I was ok with drilling below the surface for oil, and I still am, but this extraction process was a whole new level of wrong.
I began imagining the land I called home being ripped out and away and being forced to move by the government such that a private enterprise could move operations and generate unspeakable profits off the only place I had ever called home. What would be left afterwards be a desolate waste land. I learned that the size of this extraction would not just affect the small land area that my parents possessed of about 5 acres, but when the project would be fully exhausted, the area it would consume would encompass the entire land masses of the states of Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, half of Kentucky and half of Michigan! Imagine driving for 16 straight hours through a crater of our own creation. Imagine the breadth of this pit that was once teeming with life. Imagine having that road trip with your kids as you were traveling across the nation from the east coast to the Rockies, and finding this hell.

This pissed me off and triggered a shift in my consciousness and I began to become consumed by sustainability. I had enjoyed making good money, my weeks off to travel, snowboarding, and rock climbing. But since that event, none of that mattered anymore. I wanted out. I was so pissed that something like this could happen. I wanted to part of the change, to change the status quo.
At about the same time, I started working in the refinery, my brother Frank started working in the solar industry for a company called Akeena Solar. We had joked around that maybe one day we would start our own solar company. At the time, I never thought it would really happen, but after this triggering event, I thought to myself that this little pipe dream of ours may potentially be my way out. I started exploring the possibility with this idea.

I spent my weeks off work traveling to California to get some OJT from Frank, I spend my nights learning everything I could about sustainability, solar, engineering, electricity, business, market conditions and strategies. I decided to complete the training and receive a certification to be solar installer, performed my first 2 solar installations on my parents houses - one off-grid on a tiny home, and the other, a standard grid tie. I decided that I would try and limit my carbon footprint in as many ways as possible. I bought a Fisckars reel mower so I wouldn’t have to mow with a gas powered mower (I am still using it today almost 7 years later), and then I bought an electric motorcycle and drove it to the refinery to work.

 I was making really good money, going to church and bible study weekly, happily married, and living my new-found values more and more everyday. Superficially, it appeared that I have it all, but I couldn't shake this inner conflict between my employer and these values. For the next year I prayed to God and sought a path out. He provided me an interview at a start-up bio-fuel refineries in Colorado, that was seeking to expand operations, and this was the exact company by which I had
been hoping I could be employed by. On paper it was a natural fit for my job experience,
my desires to be working in a sustainable company, and the location fit my outdoor
interests. But 15 minutes into the day long interview, I knew it was a terrible fit. I flew back home, and asked God why? And, what do you want me to do now?

It was this next set of epiphanies that drove me to actually do something, significant.
God was going to put my have it all thoughts to waste.

**Since I have mentioned God, I would like to clarify something, It does not
matter to me if you call Him, Allah, Buddah, Christ Jesus, Krishna, Jahweh, the Voice, or
the Universe. I believe that these are all various ways enlightened people have been trying to explain the same driving force that is guiding each and every one of us and giving us a deeper purpose and meaning to life. I choose to believe in Christianity with subtle influences of
each of the other religious examples listed above. If you do not believe in God, or an
ultimate truth, then I still encourage you to continue to read the story as well, as it may still
resonate with you. The science part is coming and it gets real sticky. All are n welcome, especially those who are open and are seeking.
Chapter 2: 

The Revelation and Shift

So, I started digging more into the details to cure this pain I was having. I was seeking for more truth. During this time, I was learning about electricity, and as being a scientist by trade, I was noticing that everything in nature uses direct current (DC) electricity to do work and transfer energy.
Upon pondering further, a deeper revelation to sustainability was revealed to me.
Think about this for a moment...
Right now, the nerve impulses in your brain telling your heart to beat, telling your lungs to inhale and then to exhale, telling your eyes to move to read this, and ALL the thoughts you are currently having, is caused by a direct current (DC). The same power of the lightning bolts of nature is the same bolts firing in your nerves and working because of DC. Every chemical reaction, every atom has DC at work. Solar panels, batteries, the computer or mobile device you are currently looking at, and damn near everything in your house is all powered by DC.
You just have a device built into the electronics somewhere to convert that energy from AC to DC. That device is called a rectifier.
You are sustained by direct current. There is nothing you can do to avoid this energy and its associated forces from working in your life.
 All of Life, and all of natural world both living and non-living use DC.
At church, we had been studying various scriptures, and was introduced to this concept of stewardship. In Genesis 2:15 it says, “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” I found out that the Hebrew word for keep in this context is “shamar” which means to guard, or to watch and protect. The word work in this translation comes from the Hebrew word “adad” which means to serve. I realized that this is what pastor meant by stewardship, is that if there is no land to for us to serve and protect, then what are we to take care of?
This convicted me even further.
With the combination of these new insights and new experiences, I decided that I have to do even more. I just have to. While I was sitting quietly reflecting on these thoughts, I heard a Voice speak into my heart and brought me one word,
.. and that word was..
RECTIFY: To make right, to correct a wrong. To convert AC to DC
After hearing this Voice, and this word revealed to me, I thought to myself; Holy Cow! Rectify was the perfect word for what I was seeking and feeling in my heart. It represented what I was learning, and what felt that needed to be done. We need to fix this problem!
And then it hit me…
Maybe, that could be the name of my company!
Is it available??

If you are feeling compelled by this story and see that a place is opening in your heart to be a soldier for His creation, that living a sustainable lifestyle is the path for you, I invite you to click below to get on our mailing list for additional info.
Chapter 3: 

Committment to the New Path

I was knocking on the door for knowledge, revelation, and truth; seeking out a new mission, and God delivered a possibility and a message.
Follow your dream, start a solar company, and share these revelations with everyone.
To be 100% honest, this created an overwhelming feeling of fear, anxiety, and self-doubt in myself, and I questioning myself and God why?
Why me?
I am nobody. I am not capable. I can’t do this… I had never started a company before. I don't have a business degree, or and MBA, I had only completed 2 installs ever, there is no way I can actually pull this off.
You are asking me to take on the richest and most powerful enterprise in the world!
This must have been how Abraham must have felt as a stuttering man and God telling him that he would be the father of many nations.
God was asking me to drop everything and follow Him and this new path…
  So, I did. 🔥 🔥 🔥
So, I started my company, named it Rectify, brought on my brother Frank as a business partner, who by this time had over 500 solar installations completed. I moved to a Indianapolis with my wife and newborn son, I quit the oil industry, and started doing His work.
I have since carried forward with this mission and message, despite my doubts, knowing deep in my heart, that this message was for me and that I must do it, reciting Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things with Christ who strengthens me.” And with the certainty of these words and revelations, I found a lot of peace and comfort during my times of doubt, knowing that this truth was revealed to me, from Him to carry me and to share to people like you. And together Frank and I have created a profitable company, operating in 2 states, with more plans for expansion using these truths.
The message that I am sharing with you is that God wants Sustainability. He wants us to seek his Glory in the form of being a sustainable population. Everything in nature organic and inorganic, energetic or still, is sustainable, and uses DC. The universe and Life as we know it was created with these laws in place, and it has since existed and progressed in a sustainable manner.

If you are feeling compelled by this story and see that a place is opening in your heart to be a soldier for His creation, that living a sustainable lifestyle is the path for you,  I invite you to click below to get on our mailing list for additional info.
Chapter 4: 

How do you fit in this picture?

Are you are seeing the vision of what I have explained? 
Are you finding clarity and truth in this message? 
Do you agree that the course for sustainable power is through the emulation of what God created, which is the same power and energy that resides in you? 

Do you desire financial freedom and freedom of choice?

If you say yes to any of these questions, then I welcome you.  

I would like to invite you to be part of our mission and vision.
Together we will shift the course of the future. 

The Future is Sustainability. 

It always was.

🔥Be a Catalyst for Change 🔥

Click below to Go All In, and Sign up for a Free Quote 

Thank you for taking the time to read my story!

I created this website to share this gift that I have been given to people like you.   To inspire and motivate you to be part of this Rectify movement to help shift the trajectory of the energy sector towards a sustainable, God created, DC based future.  

I believe that making the choice to shift towards an energetic path which replicates that which God created himself, is the mindset needed to steer us towards being sustainable population.  And once this has been adopted on a massive scale, we will achieve a paradigm shift on a level we could not imagine.  

I have been working towards this target for 7 years already, with sharing with people one on one or in small groups.  I am asking for people like you investing in Rectify in having us to complete various work which we provide in our portfolio.  By doing this you will be also be funding the time and research dollars needed to develop the products and services needed to help make this transition grow exponentially.   I can confirm that here at Rectify, we are are already paving a path to that which Thomas Edison could not do, and to do this safely, cost effectively, and sustainably.   In fact I was just recently awarded the 2019 Energy News 40 Under 40 for this work.

I wouldn't ask you to do anything that I haven't done myself, and I recognize that people come here to this place in various stages in their sustainable walk.  So, we have created a path for all walks to enter in a place that is fitting for them, who want to move into transitioning their own life and family towards a more sustainable future.  

If you are seeing these truths, would like to learn more, or maybe you are already on fire and would definitely like to support us by allowing us to provide you with various product, service, and/or educational offerings.  Then I would like to invite you to sign up below and we will get in contact with you to help put you on the path towards your sustainable transformation. 

As a thank you for reading and sharing, by clicking below, I will add you to our mailing list so that you can get additional information on this story, and our products and services. 

 I ask you to do me a favor and share this story with the people in your life on social media so they can hear a positive story today as well.  
On top of that, just for signing up, I will be sending you a free copy of our Easy 16 Steps Towards Sustainable Living! 

Thank you very much for your time.  
Talk to you soon and God Bless. 

Phil 4:13

The Light and the Voice has the answers to all our problems, not just how we get our energy… 
I encourage you to turn to the light always and in all things. 
Seek His Inspiration… 
Seek His Voice… 
God will find you where you are,
Because he resides in you;
Now, Always, Anywhere
Written by Phil Teague, Co-Founder
Rectify LLC DBA Rectify Solar
Copyright 2019. All Rights Reserved.
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